Our New Web Site Will Provide Useful Information to Injured Truck Drivers and Other Employees
We decided to start a new web site, www.injuredtruckersnc.com in order to provide information to people who have been injured at work in North Carolina, so that they can educate themselves about the workers' compensation process and the pitfalls of dealing with the insurance company. Many of our clients work in the trucking industry, as drivers, dock workers, and material handlers, and we find that they are often the employees most in need of helpful information. They cannot usually trust their employer or the insurance carrier for accurate or even honest information about the workers' compensation process, so we are trying to fill that information blackout by posting material on our new site. I hope that you will take a look at our site and send me a comment letting me know what you think about it! As time goes on, we will continue to post new material, or "content" to the site in the form of blog posts and videos, to further our goal of educating injured workers in NC about the process of obtaining workers' compensation benefits.